What happen if my package is undelivered?

All orders or packages have tracking number delivered by Canada Post or UPS. It is your responsibility that you write down your shipping address correctly when you make an order. We ship your package with the track number on it according to the shipping address that you wrote down. If you wrote your address wrong, you should take the full responsibility to tracking your order by yourself and get no compensation,  for example, if you live in an apartment but forgot write your room number, there is no way for the Carriers (Canada Post or UPS) to figure out which room should be dropped, in this case, your package is in an undelivered stage, you need call 1 (800)267-1177 to track your package back by yourself, even it is stolen or missing , the Carriers (Canada Post or UPS) will have a compensation to you but we take zero responsibility for your order.

What is MOQ means?

Minimum Order Quantity 

How to make the payment for my order?

Please make an e-transfer ASAP to the vapebug.ca@gmail.com by INTERAC online banking after your order had been checked out to secure your order, or it might get deleted.

Is vaping safe?

Vaping is used as tobacco harm reduction. It has been estimated to be between two and three orders of magnitude safer then smoking, and this is the standard by which it should  be judged. It's then not risk free, but  far preferable to smoking.

What are the PG or VG liquid?

PG (propelyne glycol) and VG (vegtable glyrine, or glycerol) are ingredients in e-liquid which create the vapor. Both are widely used in a variety of products for human consumption. PG is associated with a stronger " throat hit" but with less visible vapor, whereas VG has a sweetish taste and produces a much more visible vapor. Some vapers find PG irritate their throat and lungs and choose to use a VG base e-liquid instead. Some e-liquids contain a blend of both ingredients to balance out the characters of each.

What strength of e-liquid should l buy?

The heavier the smoker, the stronger the e-liquid you should start with. But do remember that nicotine strength isn't the whole story. For example, some vape more than others and choose to use lower strength e-liquid. Strong liquids cause a more intense " throat hit", so do bear that in mind when making your first purchase. Another issue is that some device kick out more of the vapor per puff. As a rule of thumb, choose lower nicotine concentration e-liquid for more powerful devices.

Finally, vaper self-titrate their nicotine intake. In other words, it's as if there's  a thermostat which nicotine users have. As soon as they have enough, it switch off. Therefore, if you want to vape less, use a strong e-liquid, if you find that you are getting too much nicotine from the amount you like to vape, move to a less  Liquid.

***Canadine Vaping products excise tax coming  on October 1st, 2022

***Provincial Vaping Products excise tax coming on October 1st, 2024




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